“Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestät”: An Inspiring Evening with Leigh Turner

On Thursday, 31st May 2022, we had the great honour to welcome former British ambassador and author Leigh Turner for a talk at the University Library in Graz. Turner provided us with interesting insights into his life as a diplomat and father of two children and explained how his job has made him a better author. Illustrating his life lessons and key milestones with some gems from his photo library, Leigh Turner managed to captivate the audience, who were eager to ask questions and have copies of his books signed after the talk.

AAS, Brexit, Music, Uncategorized

Thank you for the Music Britain


zugunsten von Familien am Existenzminimum und deren Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen

Chorlabor am Augustinum,

Leitung: Marlies Prettenthaler-Heckel

Barbara Fink, Sopran

Martin Prettenhofer, Klavier

Anlässlich der Diskussionen um die künftige Beziehung des Vereinigten Königreichs zur Europäischen Union laden wir herzlich zu einem Pasticcio, das die musikalisch-politische Beziehungsgeschichte zwischen der Insel und dem Kontinent in Ausschnitten Revue passieren lässt. Freuen Sie sich auf besonders populäre Vokalkompositionen während der Regentschaft von Queen Elizabeth I. (Tallis, Dowland, Morley), Queen Mary II. (Purcell) und Queen Elizabeth II. (Beatles, Jenkins, Clapton und Queen )! Schauen wir unter dem Motto „Thank you for the Music, Britain!“ gemeinsam zurück und besinnen wir uns auf die Kultur als Quelle des respektvollen und wertschätzenden Miteinanders für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft.

Wann: 16.06.2019, 18:30

Wo: Meerscheinschlössl, Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz

Flyer: flyer_Thank you for the Music Britain

Hinweis: Mit Ihrer Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung geben Sie gleichzeitig Ihre Zustimmung, dass die getätigten Foto-, Ton- und Filmaufnahmen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Anglo-Austrian Society (AAS) verwendet werden dürfen.


AAS, Dancing, Jane Austen

An Evening with Jane Austen

Ingrid Pfandl-Buchegger & Gudrun Rottensteiner

An Evening with Jane Austen_s

When: 24.05.2019, 18:30
Where: HS 11.01, Heinrichstraße 36, ground floor

Ingrid Pfandl-Buchegger, expert in English literature and the narrative potential of dance (University of Graz, Department of English Studies), will give an overview of the multiple developments in the area of sequels to and adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels and the amazing number of artistic creations that her novels have inspired. The evening will then shed light on the central role dance plays both in her novels and her life, which will be illustrated by selected scenes from novels and film adaptations. Finally, there will be a unique opportunity to ‘put yourself in the shoes of Jane Austen’ and experience movement and space like she did by participating in one of the country dances popular at the time under the guidance of Gudrun Rottensteiner, a specialist in historical dance from the University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz.

Please note that by participating in this event, you authorize the Anglo-Austrian Society (AAS) to use any photographs, video and audio recordings which were taken/produced during the event for public relations purposes.


AAS, Guest Lecture, Translation

Gastvortrag Andreas Unterweger

Übersetzen. Schreiben. Leben. Berichte aus der Praxis des literarischen Übersetzens.

Guest Lecture_Unterweger_s

Wann: 06.05.2019, 19:00
Wo: GEWI Sitzungszimmer (Universitätsplatz 3 – Hauptgebäude, EG)

Der vielfach ausgezeichnete österreichische Autor, Andreas Unterweger, hat sich in den letzten Jahren auch als literarischer Übersetzer einen Namen gemacht. In seinem Vortrag wird er einerseits über seine Erfahrungen als Autor und literarischer Übersetzer berichten, andererseits werden Studierende der Lehrveranstaltung Translation den Autor mit eigenen Übersetzungen von Auszügen aus seinen (teilweise unübersetzbaren?) Werken konfrontieren, um so ein reges Werkstattgespräch zu initiieren.

Hinweis: Mit Ihrer Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung geben Sie gleichzeitig Ihre Zustimmung, dass die getätigten Foto-, Ton- und Filmaufnahmen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Anglo-Austrian Society (AAS) verwendet werden dürfen.


AAS, pub quiz

AAS Pub Quiz

Quiz Poster_April 2019

When: 11 Aprial 2019, 7:30

Where: UniCafé (Heinrichstraße 36 ground floor)

It’s back! After themed quizzes on Harry Potter, Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, regular quiz master Nick Scott returns with a fiendish general knowledge quiz to test the towering intellects of English students in Graz.

The Uni Café has set a strict limit of 80 participants, so make sure you register early to avoid disappointment. Teams may consist of a maximum of 5 people, and participation costs €1.50 per person (free for AAS members).

Sign up here: tinyurl.com/anglistikquiz.

Please note that by participating in this event, you authorize the Anglo-Austrian Society (AAS) to use any photographs, video and audio recordings which were taken/produced during the event for public relations purposes.

AAS, Christmas Party, Music, Pennyless Players, Reading

AAS Christmas Party 2018

Impressions of the AAS Christmas Party 2018:


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When winter has come, and December is almost upon us, it’s high time for our annual Christmas Party!

Come join us on 4th of December in the Meerscheinschlössl (Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz) at 19:30 for an evening of music, storytelling, dancing and Christmas merriment!

This year, we have a truly exclusive line-up of festive entertainment, including Christmas-inspired games with fabulous prizes to be won. Be prepared to be enchanted by David Newby reading stories from his soon to be published book Worlds Apart, and to be dazzled by the wonderful Pennyless Players and a choir of GIBS singers (yes, Christmas carols will be sung!). Don’t miss the opportunity to try yourself at Irish Dancing, be amazed by an Irish Dance Trio and listen to the band Elli and the Hills.

Refreshments and snacks will also be available. So come join us and raise a glass to celebrate the end of a great year for the Anglo-Austrian Society.

-Non-members are welcome to join the celebration!-

Looking forward to seeing you all then!

Please note that by participating in this event, you authorize the Anglo-Austrian Society (AAS) to use any photographs, video and audio recordings which were taken/produced during the event for public relation purposes.

Poster Xmas Party 18_final_s

AAS, Music, Reading

Fairy Tale Blues und grimmige Märchen


Ines Jakob & Armin Sauseng

Es war einmal…

vielleicht alles ganz anders!

Fairy Tale Blues und grimmige Märchen

Have you been to Ines Jakob’s reading from her book Fair Stains me Yeats? in January and have you seen and heard Armin Sauseng perform original songs at the AAS Christmas Party last December?

If so, you will be pleased to hear that on 15th June they are performing together, combining music and storytelling. And should you have missed out on both of their ‘solo’ performances, this is your second chance to let yourself be entertained by their combined talent – don’t pass it up!

As usual, nibbles and drinks will be provided.

Come join us in GEWI Sitzungszimmer – Universitätsplatz 3, EG (i.e. Hauptgebäude) on 15th June, 19:30 for an evening of grim fairy tales and fairy tale blues.

Jakob+Sauseng_Fairy tale

Please note that by participating in this event, you are consenting to the use of any photos taken and audio or video recordings made for public relations purposes of the Anglo-Austrian Society.

pub quiz

Lord of the Rings Pub Quiz


You’d rather write five exams on Lord of the Rings than one exam on anything real(istic)?

You’ve always been more interested in the journey to Mount Doom and the possible return of the rightful heir of Numenor to the throne of Gondor than in your subjects?

You think second breakfast, elevensies and side by side with a friend are the ways to start and end a day?

And last but not least – you know the meaning of tatters?!

Then I bid you stand, students of Graz, to speak friend and enter the LORD OF THE RINGS PUB-QUIZ on April 26th in the Uni Café (Heinrichstraße 36) and test your knowledge on nasty little hobbitses and beyond.

Bear in mind – the extended edition, behind the scenes and the books are the only sources you need, otherwise you shall not pass. Register now to avoid disappointment: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OnXtdybJoX-CHkkRtlB2RnPrnZEoJHjAe3GQ44TO0lY/edit#gid=0

To cover the cost of the prizes, there will be a small entrance fee of €1.50 per person (free for AAS members).

Please note that by participating in this event, you are consenting to the use of any photos taken and audio or video recordings made for public relations purposes of the Anglo-Austrian Society.



RECEPTION with the British Ambassador Leigh Turner and Honorary Consul Eva Brühl

01 March 2018

We had the unique opportunity to not only meet the British Ambassador Leigh Turner in person but also to be provided with insights into the course of his professional career in the form of witty anecdotes. The Ambassador further reassured the British citizens among us by emphasising that the UK is devoting effort to ensuring that their citizen’s rights are not curtailed by Brexit. This event was framed by the elegant premises of Brühl and delicious delicacies, tea and coffee kindly provided by the Consulate of the UK in Graz.
We would like to thank Ambassador Turner for taking the time to meet with us and express our gratefulness to Honorary Consul Eva Brühl for hosting this special event.